light systems

Kienzle Primos Light Sources

Primos color, multigrade, split-vc, halogen coldlight and combi-heads
for all negative sizes 6x6, 6x7, 6x9, 4x5”, 5x7”, 8x10” and 10x10” 100 - 750VA

Diffuse lightsource system for b+w-/colour-and multigrade.
with dichroic interference filters,UV/IR-filter, cpl. with lamp and transformer.
Multi-purpose system adaptable to all other brands (Leitz,Agfa, Durst, Beseler ...)

halogen-coldlight / color / vc / split-vc / combi-heads
6x6cm - 100VA
6x7cm - 100VA / 250VA
6x9cm - 100VA / 250VA
4x5” - 100VA / 250VA / 500VA
5x7” - 250VA / 500VA / 750VA
8x10” - 250VA / 500VA / 750VA

The production of the late Wallner color lighthead was years ago already taken over and further on developed by us.
Different types halogen cold light, variocontrast, split vc (splitgrade), color, split-vc + color or as like  vcc/pcc in 100VA without ventilator, or 250VA with ventilator deliverable. Optional with white light lever and density control. Adapter for all enlargers (also all the foreign fabricates) from 35mm up to 10x10“.                                    

Kienzle Tempo-heads

Tempomat light sources 250VA upto 500VA

T 67/69 heads

T 912 heads

T 25/25 head

T 13/18 heads


processor / pc-controled automatic filter module to Kienzle enlargers
and others; for all papers (multigrade and color); pcc without pc;different
systems up to 10x10" ( 12x12"); automatic color and densitiy probe;

Split VC
Automated printing system for perfect black and white prints

This system automates the task of producing a technically correct print,
making printing faster, easier and safer.
In these prints you could refind all fine details of the negative as it automatically determine and set the optimal  contrast grade and  exposure time and this without any preceding test prints or perfect print the „hard way“.


Special features
To achieve perfect prints,it is equipped with a control unit, with a microprocessor,
a probe and a filter head with step motor. By passing the probe through the image,
the probe scans the image, looks for the brightest and the darkest part and calculates the best contrast grade and exposure time for this particular negative. The controller then splits the exposure time in two parts, deciding how long the negative will be printed through the yellow and the succeeding magenta filter.
In this way a technically perfect print is realised where the shadows are 90%
black and the highlights white, with still enough detail to show all information
contained in the negative.In function of: the general density the density differences
the paper type used the film type to print the unit manages the whole printing process and this without any  preceding test prints! Due to the sensitometric knowledge and experience integraded in the program, the only job you have to do is: load the
negative, compose the  print, look for the brightest and the darkest parts in the negative, position the paper in the enlarging easel and print.
It is clear that this system saves on time and paper and contributes to creativity by letting the machine do the toilsome technical work.

Technical specifications of the control unit
measuring probe:
probe for exposure and gradation reading automatic
automatic setting of filter module and operating panel acoustic support by
beeper. diameter of reading point: Ø 3mm
exposure control: built-in exposure timer and light shutter
measuring range: 0.01 - 10Ix (10 stops)
exposure time range: 1 -200 sec.
resolution: 0.1 sec.
time accuracy failure: <0.5%, repeatability < 0.1%<
gradation input: automatic in 0.1 steps after reading of the contrast
manual input gradation: in 0.1 steps with automatic density control
manual input gradation time: in 0.1 sec. steps with constant gradation
basis of measurements: ca. 90% of maximal paper density
grad tables: factory adjusted for 9 papers (main brands: ILFORD, KODAK, AGFA) and 4 films, actualisation y disk or internet
interfaces: reading probe, foot switch, RS232
display: illuminated LCD display with 4 lines
voltage: 90 to 250 V, 45 to 65 Hz
dimensions (BxTxH)  160x22260x80mm
weight:  ca. 1 kg without accessories
delivery contains: controller, filter module, probe, footswitch,
electrical appliances   


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